Hybrid Conference: Extractive industries and postcolonial masculinities in Asia and the Pacific, December 1st, 2022, REGISTER!
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As extractive capital expands globally, breaking new grounds in areas of contested masculinities, the need to deconstruct the industry’s hypermasculinity and male hegemony becomes increasingly necessary. New multinational companies bring their employees from countries such as China and India, and in the process reshape indigenous masculinities (Connell 2014, 2016; Lahiri-Dutt 2012). Old and new masculinities find new sites of production and new ways of manifestation, and their juxtaposition heralds novel ways of understanding and studying gender in the extractive industries. At this crossroads, conventional studies (such as by Rolston 2014) of women in mining continue to play important roles, but examining the multinational mining corporations to understand how hegemonic masculinities are continually contested, negotiated and transformed is increasingly assuming significance.
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LIM COORDINATORS (November 16, 2022). Hybrid Conference: Extractive industries and postcolonial masculinities in Asia and the Pacific, December 1st, 2022, REGISTER! Labour In Mining. Retrieved January 24, 2025 from https://doi.org/10.58079/qwe3