Covid-19 and Mining Industry : articles’ selection special issue.
This post aims at providing some insight into mining world facing covid-19 crisis: an open collection of analysis and commentaries from different journals and institutions. This is not a selection of academic papers about mining history as we are used to publish.
Contents are continously updated.
Labour impact: stories
Extractive companies’ response to the Covid-19 pandemic
DR Congo: Mine Workers at Risk During Covid-19
Labour impact: commentaries
Mines are hotspots for spread of Covid-19, study finds (The Guardian) >> The report: Voices from the ground (source used by The Guardian) and full version
World’s mine workers resist quick restart amid coronavirus
(Reuters: Tanisha Heiberg, Helen Reid, Marco Aquino)
Commentary: Mining workers and communities face greater risks of contamination from Covid-19, MiningWatch Canada, May 2020
Coping with Covid: live infos from mining industry
Global perspectives
How the coronavirus pandemic has disrupted the global mining industry
Business Analysis
Deloitte, Understanding COVID-19’s impact on the mining & metals sector. Guidance for mining & metals executives
The impact of COVID-19 on the mining sector
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LIM COORDINATORS (May 8, 2020). Covid-19 and Mining Industry : articles’ selection special issue. Labour In Mining. Retrieved January 24, 2025 from