1. “Living Conditions in Mining Towns in History”
(in alphabetic order)
David Baillargeon (University of Nottingham), Mining the Town: Race, Labor Migration, and Sanitation in British Southeast Asia, 1910-1930.
Roger Burt (University of Exeter), The role of fraternities and benevolent societies in the creation of social capital in western mining communities during the second half of the nineteenth century.
Lloyd Carpenter (Lincoln University, New Zealand), Vernacular comfort: Miners’ homes and mining towns in the goldfields of Otago, New Zealand.
Keith Gildart (University of Wolverhampton), Andrew Perchard (University of Stirling), Grace Millar and Ben Curtis (both University of Wolverhampton), On Behalf of the People: Revisiting the History of the Nationalised British Coal Industry, 1947–1994.
Antonio Escudero Gutiérrez (Universidad de Alicante), José Joaquín García Gómez (University of Almería), Ángel Pascual Martínez Soto (Universidad de Murcia), Urban Penalty: The case of a Spanish mining town. La Unión (1870 – 1913).
Gabriele Marcon (European University Institute), Ιmmigrant labour in two 16th century Italian mining districts.
Hannah Elizabeth Martin (Northumbria University at Newcastle), Overcoming spaces of class inhibition: Agency and activism from below in communities of the East Durham Coalfield, 1820-1850.
Hayri Gökşin Özkoray (Collège de France), Living conditions and workforce at the copper mines of Küre in Ottoman Kastamonu (16th-18th c.).
David Selway (Cardiff University), ‘Mining is Dead’ – Time and the end of work in the South Wales coalfield, 1921-1945.
Božidar Zarković (Kosovska Mitrovica), Mining Market-places – Representatives of the Urban Development of the Medieval Serbia.
2. “Health Environment and Labour in Mining” organized with the WG “Occupational Health and Environmental Labour History (19th-21th c.)”
Aron Cohen & Agustin Fleta, De l’accident à la maladie : les contours de la notion de risque du travail et son évolution au XXème siècle à partir d’une analyse historique des contentieux
Juan Diego Pérez-Cebada & Miguel Angel Pérez de Perceval, Health, Environment and Labour Mining in Spain
Eric Geerkens, The development of the coalmining medicine (20th Century, Belgium)
Paulo Guimarães, The ore is gone but the silicosis stay: health and risk perception in the institutional setting of labor medicine and social support in Portugal in the 20th century.
Leda Papastefanaki, Lead poisoning of miners and cultural confrontation in Greece, 1860s – 1950s
Francesca Sanna, The value of the health. Imagine, evaluate and deal with professional diseases in Mediterranean lead/zinc mining during the interwar period.
Adolfo Turbanti, Security, exploitation of labor and industrial relations in an Italian mine during the XXth century.
Iva Peša, Mining, health and environmental thought on the Central African Copperbelt, 1950s-2000.
Sreeparna Chatterjee, Politics of Denial: A History of Diseases in Coal Mines of Colonial India.