Tagged: desindustrialization
In this issue, Péter Alabán provides a case study that speaks to the relationship between low incomes and mining settlements. This example serves as insightful illustrations of those workers left behind by deindustrialization and...
We draw your attention on three Research Grant applications for MA and PhD students about history of technology, history of science, economic history and industrial society and related topics for France and researches related...
Now at Thessaloniki Film Festival: Ore Remembrance, movie by Dimitris Kalfakis (2021) At the northeastern end of Mykonos lies the area of Metalia (Mines). The name was adopted because of the mines of the...
The Institute of Historical Research and University of London Press organise a online conference for the launch of Coal Country. The Meaning and Memory of Deindustrialization in Postwar Scotland by Ewan Gibbs (University of...